Wednesday 3 September 2008

I Should Have Never Have Bought. . .

I should have never bought That Sega Mega Drive off my mate Callus. He claimed it to have Exceptional Graphics and an 'Irresistible' Gaming Experience (which I later found out to not true at all). I paid £20 for my Games Console (which I thought wasn’t much) and £30 for all the games shown in the picture. There were lots of games such as Sonic the Hedgehog and Mario. The games graphics were very 'old' and there was little detail Displayed on my 50 inch Monitor. The actual design of the games console looked very robotic and not very 'fun' the controllers were very minimalist. I found that the overall Performance of the console was very slow. The sound used polyphonic ring tones to accompany the flashing images which made the console seem very annoying and made me want to chuck it away it actually sounded just like my Game boy Colour. (This got chucked away)
But despite all of this... I actually loved it.
The Graphics were so bad That it made it fun and a pleasure to play
The sound actually made the console retro and again accompanied the really crappy graphics perfectly
The Games were really 'old school' games which made it worth allot of money on eBay
The console from a distance looks like the games - Ancient and Plain (no detail to controllers or system) I shouldn’t have bought it because it wasn’t worth the money (but I later found out that they are going for £100 - £200 on eBay) I am hopefully gong to sell the games console later on in the future and make a profit margin of about 100%.

Dont buy it.. Its not worht the expierence and it hasnt got irresistable graphics and the sound will drive you mad

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